The Marl Hole measures 0.5ha in total and is located off Putney Lane, in an area east of Romsley, adjacent to the site of the Severn Trent “Break Pressure Tank”.
This site, which has been discussed with the British Commons Commissioner may be the only site in the whole of the United Kingdom that is triangulated by a DS1 ‘landscape protected area’. It is an area of great landscape value, a National site of special scientific interest (SSSI) and a section 9 parliamentary protected section of common land. The whole location is ‘very special’ in terms of its uniqueness and position’’.
Designated and priority grassland habitats are located adjacent to the site (Romsley Manor Farm SSSI). The site is located within an agricultural landscape with large blocks of woodland, many of which are ancient. The site’s habitats act as a buffer to these high-value sites and as a habitat stepping-stone for commuting wildlife.

Image Credit: Worcestershire Wildlife Trust”
Advice from Worcestershire Wildlife Trust has been used to inform some of the project’s aims
Location of Marl Hole

History and Makeup
The site was historically used as a marl pit from which clay was excavated. Historical records describing the site as “wasteland and pool” in 1844 and it has since been “filled in”.
Once designated as a Nature Reserve in the 80’s, the land is designated as Common Land, registered to Worcestershire County Council.
The site currently consists of woodland, scrub, tall ruderal vegetation, a pond and old hedgerows. It is located immediately adjacent to agricultural fields comprising permanent grassland.
The site has ancient hedgerows sited upon banks with numerous bluebells. Other habitats present have suitability for invertebrates, amphibians, nesting birds, badgers and bats.
There is a diverse range of wildflowers, plants, bushes, trees and wildlife present in this diverse location.
The small pond located at the rear corner of the plot creates a natural habitat to encourage the various pollinators to gather and flourish.