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Our current standing orders and policies

Standing orders and policies – The standing orders and polices define the way the Council operates, these must be robust, comprehensive and fit for purpose, they must also stand up to scrutiny from external bodies. We already have a number of suitable standing orders and polices in place which gives us a firm foundation for going forward. However there are several areas we need to strengthen and we intend to commence a systematic review in which we will compare ourselves with other Councils who are recognised to be high performing and successful. From this we can identify gaps and rectify them accordingly.

RPC Scheme of Delegation 2024
RPC Data Protection Policy 2024
RPC General Privacy Notice 2024
RPC Email Privacy Notice 2024
RPC Staff Privacy Notice 2024
RPC Code of Conduct 2022
RPC General Standing Orders (2020)
RPC Data Retention Policy GDPR (2018)
RPC 5-Year Plan (2023)
RPC Community pledges (2015)
RPC Complaints Procedure (Nov 2015)
RPC Co-option Policy (2015)
RPC Council members Code of Conduct (2015)
RPC Events Committee Terms of Ref (2015)
RPC Facebook Policy (2017)
RPC Filming, Photograph & Recording (2015)
RPC Financial Regulations (2015)
RPC Freedom of Information Policy (2015)
RPC General information (2015)
RPC Grant Application Form (2015)
RPC Grant Applications Policy (2015)
RPC Grievance Procedure (2015)
RPC Internal Control Policy (Finance) (2015)
RPC Website 3rd party usage policy (2015)