In undertaking this project, we aim to achieve the following aims. More information can be found on each aim by clicking the link:
- Prevent the illegal dumping of waste and general fly-tipping.
- Clear discarded waste to create a safe unpolluted environment.
- Protect Existing Habitats for wildlife.
- Restore hedgerows to create a long-lasting wildlife corridor.
- Restore a wetland habitat for invertebrates and amphibians.
- Sow a new meadow rich in wildflowers and pollinators.
- Create new environments for insects, Invertebrates, Birds and bats to thrive
- Ensure safe, open access for the community to visit and learn.
- Develop a long-term management plan for the upkeep of the site

Image Credit: Worcestershire Wildlife Trust
Advice from Worcestershire Wildlife Trust has been used to inform some of the project’s aims.