Footpath News from our Footpath Warden
I am hoping that by the time you read this two further stiles along Romsley Hill will have been replaced by kissing gates. Agreement has been reached with the land user and the gates are planned to be installed by the end of September. One of the stiles to be replaced will be the one with the \”height barrier\” which has been the subject of a number of complaints and which was particularly difficult to negotiate. I am also aware that the short stretch of wood beyond this stile can become very muddy and difficult to negotiate especially during the winter months. I am looking at ways to improve this stretch.
From evidence \”on the ground\” and regular encounters with walkers, the Romsley Penny Fields circular walk is being well used. This is good news but unfortunately its increased use has also brought increased problems. One of the land owners who has been very cooperative with the establishment of this walk has experienced an increase with walkers not keeping to the public path. When confronting these walkers he has on at least one occasion been subject to abuse.
As a result of this he has quite understandably put up signs reminding walkers that fields and property adjacent to public paths are private property and that path users should keep to the path. These signs have recently been torn down by a path user. I do not understand why someone would do this as regrettably, because of a minority of path users, these notices are necessary to remind them that their right to walk through the fields is limited only to the public rights of way.
The actions of this minority of path users who fail to keep to the paths and those that consider they can remove notices they don\’t agree with serves only to alienate land owners from walkers in general and makes my task in trying to work with land owners to make improvements for walkers that much more difficult.
Please, enjoy the Public Rights of Way in Romsley and Hunnington but use them responsibly.
Stuart Smith
Paths Warden