Romsley and Hunnington Show 2015
On Saturday 5th September, the 21st Annual Show was held at the Romsley Scout Centre and proved to be a very well supported and successful event.
The numbers of exhibits, exhibitors and of visitors were all well up on last year and showed clearly the amount of support the show has.
The recent weather was not particularly kind to our keen gardeners and it was to their credit that a wide range of vegetables, fruit and flowers were on display. I was particularly pleased to see a range of decorated spoons from the Rainbows, the standard of which made life very difficult for the judge.The show would not happen without a great deal of hard work from a great many people and the financial support from both Romsley and Hunnington Parish Councils and the generosity of all of our local business in proving a range of welcome raffle prizes, thank‐you to you all.
Having said that, we are always open to ideas and suggestions and welcome any offers of help or sponsorship would be very welcome.
I believe that the show is an important aspect of village life and it was gratifying to see so many people having a chat over a cuppa and some excellent cake with old friends and new.
I look forward to seeing you at next year’s show on Saturday 3rd September 2016.
Kind Regards,
Paul Cooke
Romsley and Hunnington Parish Show Chairman