“We Don’t Buy Crime” say Romsley
Romsley Parish Council have teamed up with West Mercia Police to make Romsley a “We Don’t Buy Crime” village by supplying all households with a SmartWater® kit to protect their homes. SmartWater® is an easy-to-apply liquid that enables the Police to trace valuables back to the owner.
A “drop in session” was recently held where villagers could collect their kits. Councillor David Powell said “the drop-in session was a great success where we broke all records for a launch as part of the “we Don’t Buy Crime” project. We are also allowing residents to collect packs at our next Parish Council meeting and arranging further opportunities to collect packs in the future.
The Parish Council have utilised grants and part funded the cost of the packs to provide them free of charge. Our aim is to ensure that every household in Romsley is equipped with a Smartwater pack. There will also be signage installed in the village to send a clear message to criminals that Romsley are united and determined to protect our valuables against acquisitive crime.
Romsley residents can find more information on the Smartwater project by contacting Romsley Parish Council http://romsleyparishcouncil.gov.uk or 07907 976915