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Our Action Plan – 2017-18

Speeding Stickers - March 17

We have provided 30MPH Speed Limit stickers for all households to affix to wheelie bins

Defibrillator - Summer 17

We will refurbish the telephone box on St Kenelms Road and install a defibrillator unit.

Dog Poo Bags and Dispensers - Feb 17

We have provided Poo Bags and dispensers and also installed signage to deter persistent dog fouling.

Wildflower Meadow - Summer 17

We will improve the area opposite the Sun Pub by demarcating and planting a Wildlife Meadow to compliment existing flora.

Supporting Parish Walks - Autumn 17

We will enhance the Parish Walks in our area by assisting to communicate via our website and improve signage.

Litter Pick - Autumn 17

We will look to  arrange a community litter pick to ensure our Parish is kept tidy

SmartWater Rollout - Summer 17

We have resolved to purchase Smartwater for the whole of the Parish to make Romsley a Smartwater Village. We have received a grant to cover some of the cost and will roll out to all households. 

Anti Speeding Signage - July 17

We have provided new signage for the Bromsgrove Road to deter speeding.

Bus Shelter - Summer 17

With the help of a grant from County Council, we have provided a new Bus Shelter on the Bromsgrove Road.

Planting Poppies - Summer 17

We have planted poppies in key locations around the Parish to commemorate the 1st World War.

Replacement of Scout Centre Lights - ON HOLD

We have investigated the replacement of the lighting by the Scout Centre. We have placed this initiative on hold pending drainage surveys in the playing field area.


Questionnaire- Summer 17

We will circulate a Parish Questionnaire in order to establish the views of the community in order to help future planning.

Council Award Scheme- Summer 17

We will enter into the Council Award Scheme to benchmark our performance against other top Parish Councils